Luv ya! haha, if u wanna kno a bit more about our blog just look at the post titles on the side!!! XD

Thursday, November 26, 2009

HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!! and an epic revalation

haha. happy turkey day everyone!!! is anyone going shopping tomorrow (black friday)? yes? no? if i ever get the chance, i want to.
anyway, found the pic to the left like 5 seconds ago. aurgh! i gotta put a pic of me up soon. hey, learned this in science on friday: the thing over a turkey's nose is called a snood. LOL my sis is watching "the brady bunch" rite now. i didn't even kno they still played that!!! its like frm the 70's! their hair is HI-LAR-I-OUS. i didn't kno girls could have mullets... creepy!
YUUUMMMM... the turkey my dad is cooking smells SOOOOO good! it's been cooking fur like 4 hours and its ALMOST done. so weird: this year we're not having regular apple cider. my dad said they didn't have any at the store so we have: apple/cranberry cider and apple/pomegranete (sp?). u can barely taste the pom in the second type so i'm going with that.
OMG ANNEL I LUV UR NAILS!!!! u gotta send me a better pic!
haha, today me and my sis watched Fiddler on the Roof . . . it wuz interesting to say the least. actually pretty funny, but the ending kinda sucked. not a huge climax, and i REALLY don't get how the title had anything to do with the plot except fur the part that there wuz a who followed the dad around fur like 5 seconds in two scenes . . .
awwww! the panda fail is so sad!!! i wonder how they got that pic. . .
lol someone froze the cheese!!!! i wuz gunna eat cheese w. bread like an hour ago but someone put it in the freezer . . . my mom just told me that its thawed out so imma go try it in a minute.
hey, u guys saw adam lamberts ama preformance rite? omg dude! he's turned worse than he already wuz! HE KISSED A GUY AND LIKE SHOVED SOME GIRLS FACE INTO HIS DICK. ugh! PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM. not that i cant tell, but that wuz WAY over the top. it wuz f'ing crap. GROSS.
guess who invited me to the next good movie????? haha, the tall guy whose name i've only mentioned twice on accident, yeahhhh!!! imma so excited!!!
k, by now ur prbbly wondering what my revalation wuz:
I'm officially agreeing with Kelly and everyone else;
ur welcome everyone! u can now stop arguing with me about that. XD k meh dad's calling me downstairs bie(haha, annel, u'll get the "bie" thing)!!!!!


Nelli Jee said...

omg luv the pic mermaid!!!

italapinex0=flip@heart!!! said...

haha, thnx!!!
-Italapinexo <3

meli said...

btw anna i just checked and there is no word in the dictionary that is spelled rawr!!! SO IN UR FACE!!!!!!!

MORE about uusss. . . ~♥.♫.Itala-nesapino.♫.♥

My Friends

Thinking of You

Young and Crazy

The Only People
Annel this looks like ur handwriting!!!

AND THE BEST OF ALL (Annel ALWAYS does this):

Suck It